In 2008 we had to have our dog, Cody, put to sleep due to old age and it's effects. He went plein airing with me many times over the last few years and enjoyed it immensely. Even when he was no longer able to go, he got super excited whenever he saw me bring my french easel downstairs. Found this photo to share with you from one of our outings. I miss him dearly but we have a new puppy now and I plan to take him out with me as often as possible. If you join me, you'll get to meet him in person but for now, a photo will have to do. Introducing Shadow (who followes me everywhere).
Friday, December 26, 2008
Ending and a new beginning
In 2008 we had to have our dog, Cody, put to sleep due to old age and it's effects. He went plein airing with me many times over the last few years and enjoyed it immensely. Even when he was no longer able to go, he got super excited whenever he saw me bring my french easel downstairs. Found this photo to share with you from one of our outings. I miss him dearly but we have a new puppy now and I plan to take him out with me as often as possible. If you join me, you'll get to meet him in person but for now, a photo will have to do. Introducing Shadow (who followes me everywhere).
Friday, December 05, 2008
Two Recent Paintouts
I was out to paint twice recently. The first time I met Maryann at the South Abington Park nature trail; and, the second time I met Maryann and Joanne at the cemetery on Miller Rd. The first day was warm and beautiful--the second was COLD and beautiful! Hopefully they will also upload photos of their work to the blog as I didn't take my camera along with me.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
Friday in Alford
Five of us who were unable to paint out in Alford on Election Day went on Friday to paint. The paintings above are mine--oil, two by Jan Henning--watercolor, one by Helmut Kunst--watercolor, and one from Maryann Williams--oil. Angelique Prevost wiped out her painting as she was not satisfied with it. We had a great time together even though the sun only came out for a couple of minutes while we were setting up and then dissapeared for the afternoon. Was wonderful to be out painting!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Election Day in Alford

Three of us painted at the Alford Train Station. It was gray and chillier than any of us realized until we had spent four hours standing on the tracks. Thankfully, Joanne brought M&M's.
We had to search for color and I think we found it. These are our three paintings as they left the location. I think we may all make minor changes after the fact...I sure didn't mean for those two trees to be quite so black.
Since, I do not seem to be able to control where the images end up on blogger, the pastel of the train station (top, I hope) is by Chris Lathrop...she rarely works in pastel. Joanne Benson was working in oils...not her usual pastels or watercolor...and she painted a slightly different view of the station & tracks (bottom, last time I looked). And my painting of the *Switch Tower (center?) is my usual combination of soft pastels this time on Blue Haze Art Spectrum Colourfix paper.
As always, we enjoyed each other's company and a day out painting. And we missed you.
*By the way, I found out that the Switch Tower, built in 1915, was used to switch the multiple tracks in use at the time. It was all done mechanically with steel rods and levers and muscle power. We thought the building would make a great studio with it's glass balcony & windows and tree top view.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Autumn Weekend
Maryann, Joanne, & I met at a nice location along Rt. 11 to paint on Sunday. I had limited time and a fairly large panel (12 x 16") so blocked in a painting and ran home to cook for our Bible study group. We meet nearly every Sunday evening for dinner and then our discussion time. When I looked at my painting the next day I felt that it was too dark and the background came forward too much so I decided to go back and rework it. Joanne met me there to paint some more too.
The end result is disastrous. My painting became too chalky and then I realized that I had several bubbles between the linen and the masonite. So not only is the painting poor quality but so are the materials. I do like the composition however so I am thinking that I may use it as a field study for a studio piece sometime this fall or winter when the weather is not conducive to plein air painting.
Afterward I did a small, quick painting (5 x 7") which saved the day! I am much happier with this one. Much more my usual type of colors. (The first picture above is my second painting.)
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
We Got Chased!
First time that ever happened to me!
Maryann & I had stopped and started setting up to paint across the road from the State Hospital when the security guard came and asked us why we were there. He told us that we could not paint there because it was hospital property and they had patients and there might be "confidentiality issues". We couldn't imagine what confidentiality issues two artists painting mountains and trees might create but we quickly said "ok" and left.
We found another spot further along and since it was private property, asked if we could set up and paint. The woman not only gave us permission but also suggested another beautiful spot for us to go another time. No issues--confidentiality or otherwise!
I'm uploading the image from the first spot too--guess the security guard didn't know that I had taken pictures or he'd have probably confiscated my camera!
The first photo is across from the state hospital. Two & three are from our painting location. The fourth is Maryann's painting and the final is mine. It was a beautiful day and we had fun!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Splitting Wood

We needed to spend time cutting and splitting wood since winter is coming, but I am unable to help with that task as I am still recovering from surgery. But I went along and while my husband, daughter, and son-in-law were cutting, splitting, and loading wood, I sat in a chair and did two watercolors.
I'm not too skilled in watercolor (think maybe I should take some lessons) but it was a beautiful day and I was delighted to be out. So I did one painting of the hay field across the street from our property and another of the large wetland on the neighboring land. We didn't see it this time but we have seen an eagle flying over this wetland in the past.
Friday, September 05, 2008
6th Annual IPAP World wide Paint Out
Eleven hungry painters gathered at Salt Springs State Park
for pancakes cooked over an open fire. All fueled up we then got out our easels and painted watercolors, oils, acrylics and pastels.
What a perfect day to practice our art along with painters in Italy, Canada, Alaska, Brazil and many places in between.
Look for our paintings on exhibit in the future near you.

What a perfect day to practice our art along with painters in Italy, Canada, Alaska, Brazil and many places in between.
Look for our paintings on exhibit in the future near you.
salt springs state park,
worldwide paintout
Thursday, August 14, 2008
World Wide Paint Out

PEPS joins 6th Annual World Wide Paint Out! (follow the live link in the title to see who else is painting out that day around the planet). I have signed us up to paint at Salt Springs State Park on September 5th, Friday, but you can paint anywhere, anyday. If you want to join us at the creekside campsite for a pancake cook-out show up early or get in touch with me...570-278-2479...pancakes fuel a day of painting! Someone needs to bring coffee.
This event is sponsored by International Plein Air Painters. There is a sample Press release here.
If you can get some publicity, great, but the main thing is to just join us.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Getting ready for shows

Quick report on the LCCC show--we had 20+ participating artists with over 75 paintings. The gallery was well filled and beautifully hung. Although the opening was not well attended, we did have a few guests along with the attending artists. I was nursing a back injury so wasn't in top form but still enjoyed myself.
Next we will be having the Whistle Stops & Depots show at the Moscow freight house and the Plein Air Food--A Tribute to the American Farmer at the Berwick Hospital Gallery.
The painting I am inserting here is my second "food" painting--Strawberries U Pick--done at Pallman Farms a few weeks ago during the strawberry season. It's oil, 11 x 14". The Pallmans were very gracious in allowing me to paint on their property and inviting me to come back at any time. I even rode the wagons up to the field and back down to the parking lot which was great since I have all of that heavy stuff and little strength these days.
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Moscow Paintout Report
We met in Moscow at the train station to try to get a few paintings done for our upcoming show at the freight house. Five people were there: Ryan Frania, Mary Ann Williams, Laura Adams, Sue Hand, and myself. Here are pictures of them at work--I finally remembered my camera!
Ryan is our youngest member--entering 7th grade in the fall. Don't let his size fool you--he's a powerful artist. He recently had his first solo show with 28 oils, watercolors, and ink drawings. I saw the photos and the work was impressive. Due to the changeable weather he didn't have a finished painting when it was time to leave but he had two great starts--one done when the sun was shining and the other done under the building overhang during the rainy time.
Also added a photo of the freight house where we will be showing our work.
Ryan is our youngest member--entering 7th grade in the fall. Don't let his size fool you--he's a powerful artist. He recently had his first solo show with 28 oils, watercolors, and ink drawings. I saw the photos and the work was impressive. Due to the changeable weather he didn't have a finished painting when it was time to leave but he had two great starts--one done when the sun was shining and the other done under the building overhang during the rainy time.
Also added a photo of the freight house where we will be showing our work.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Waverly General Store
Connected with Mary Ann and Joanne yesterday afternoon to paint in Waverly. Mary Ann said that she was glad I keep forgetting my camera. Anyway--she and I painted the General Store and Joanne painted a nearby house. A couple of people stopped by to visit a bit and I came home tired but mentally refreshed.
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Dalton Farmlands
This is the third of my "catch up" posts. Again painted with Mary Ann and again without taking along my camera. We met and drove around a few minutes before settling on this spot where we both did two paintings. She's getting used to the water soluable oils and making good progress with them. Anyway, here are mine............the tree study is very small (about 5x7).
Painting With Mary Ann
Met Mary Ann Williams at the Waverly Exit of Rt 81 to paint. We had a great time but I forgot my camera. I'll post my painting and we have to hope that she learns to upload hers to show us. This still needs a little bit of work--we were out in bright sunlight and I used colors that were too dark. Adjusted a bit the next day but not quite finished with it.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
PEPS North Paints Little Elk Lake
Chris Lathrop making a watercolor of her cabin near Dimock on Thursday. It was a lovely day of painting. Where were you all? Note the "Plein air Painter's dream" in upper right. Even the outhouse is picturesque.
Many were invited, few came. PEPS North is an informal email group of northerly members who do not wish to travel too far to paint...most locations are in Susquehanna County...anyone can organize an outing for anytime and notify the others. If you are not on the "PEPS North" list and wish to be, let me know.
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Moscow Paintout
I'm going into my last week before the next chemotherapy so am expecting to feel fairly strong this upcoming week. Mary Ann and I are planning a paintout in Moscow to prepare for our show there at the end of August. It is to be our first showing of "Whistle Stops and Depots" along with "Scenes from Moscow". Anyone who wants to join us is welcome. We haven't set a date and time yet but if you are interested, let me know and I will keep you informed. Phyllis
Friday, May 16, 2008
Whistle Stops and Food Projects

Hi All, Decided to post my pastel plein air paintings from the last few weeks. They are all done 100% plein air and I am reserving the right to tweak them! Shown are the Olyphant Station, Porch Pair and Susquehanna Farm Lamb! Had fun doing the farm scene with Rodrica and Maryann. I was thinking I had a sale of the Olyphant Station when an onlooker kept asking me questions and hanging around. But, alas, when I gave her an absolutely fabulous deal to take it as is, she declined...... So it goes.....
Monday, May 12, 2008
Whistle Stops & Depots
PEPS is involved in a multi-year project to paint all of the train stations and other railroad structures that are still standing in NEPA. Joanne and I were able to paint the Queen City Station in Olyphant this past Thursday and had a great day out. Here are a couple of shots from the site and my painting--Joanne had a great start on hers but I forgot to photo it so maybe she will upload it for you to see. As you can see from the photo of Joanne, it was quite windy!!!
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Finally--something to show!
Finally managed to get outside to paint and started on my PEPS plein air food project. Had to sit in a chair to paint due to the fatigue and lack of strength so was a bit hampered by the lack of freedom to back up and squint, etc. But I'm reasonably satisfied with the painting and glad to have my project started. It's oil, 8 x 10". Hope to get out a couple of more times in the near future.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Counting Sheep

Joanne Benson said she wasn't that happy with her pastel painting, but we know she was happy with being out painting on such a lovely day...because she was singing softly while she worked all afternoon. Plenty of oohing and ahhing over the sweet little lambs, too.
I gave up on the sheep early on...they were so uncooperative. I turned my back on them to paint a huge old tree and green house.
PEPS North will be having frequent paint-outs...if you want to be on the email notification list, let me know. Anyone can suggest a place and day to paint and email the rest of the Siberian contingent. Think "Train Stations" or "Food" (hint; picnic) . I can see one of my beloved streamside-pancakes-over-the-campfire-breakfasts in our future.
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
Air Light and Color

Many paintings from many artists of the Pennsylvania Plein Air Society. Watercolors, oils, acrylic, pastel and pencil. All done outdoors. The exhibit is inside and nicely heated at the Wyoming County Courthouse Gallery in Tunkhannock PA, Monday-Friday 9am-4pm. Just walk in and see it, don't wait to be arrested and marched quickly by the paintings. It's there until March 27, 2008 when we should be having some real paint-out weather.
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