Sunday, July 02, 2006

Pennsylvania En Plein Air Society

Can I blog?
Just trying to see how this works. I have a link up on my site to all roads that are closed which might be useful for out-of-the-way plein air painters. OPEN:Route 81, New Milford exit, Rt 11S and 706W are all OPEN so some on up to my garden for some plein air painting this week...anytime...weekends, too. I'll be here 10-6 every day through July 9th. I'd love to have some, let me tempt you a bit: pink climbing roses, bright blue and orchid delphiniums, yellow sundrops, red maltese cross and poppies, poppies, poppies. I'd love to see you.

My two goals for today: figure out this blog-thing and actually DO a plein air painting in the garden. Hopefully you will see with your own two eyes if I succeed or not. the high and dry part of Susquehanna County.

PS: no clue how to add a link to my site.


Phyllis said...

OK!!! Ya done good! I've figured out the linking--took me a while though so I'll just add a link to your site. But would love to see you learn to upload photos so you can share some paintings and pictures of those who get out to paint with you. It's really not too difficult but I can't remember what you have to click without seeing it. I'll go look and come back with another comment. Phyllis

Phyllis said...

Now I remember....there is a little landscape type picture just to the right of the spell check. Just click on that and you can upload images that you have stored in your computer.