Last Day Of 2006
Wow--some kind of weather we've had so far this winter! Met Joanne at one of the local supermarkets and set up in their parking lot to paint for a couple of hours. This view is looking toward Elk Mountain. I think the blue in my photo is brighter than the actual painting but I'm posting it anyway. The clouds moved in when we were about 3/4 done and today it's raining so I'm really glad we went when we did.
Hi Phyllis, Your painting looks great! I worked on mine a little today. I can see why better pastels are required. They are not as dusty. I resorted to wearing a bandana over my nose today so I didn't inhale the dust because my face was about 6 inches or less from my work surface when I set up my desktop easel with the painting. It is kind of folk arty looking. Perhaps I'll post it if I get around to photographing it.
Please do post it. I'd like to see what you did to finish it.
Hi Phyllis and Joanne: I just got the newsletter and had to try looking up the blog. Never did this before. You're right Phyllis, I can impress my grandchildren by saying I know how to blog (whatever that really does mean) Phyllis, I love you little piece, beautiful work. Great that you are all getting out there to paint. Hope to join you soon. Will be away for a few weeks but will try to meet up with you all when I return.
Newsletter looks great. Keep up the great work. Jude
Yes, nice painting, good newsletter...and we can drink a toast to Judy(a little later on)...now we are four! WELCOME!
Good to see you in here, Jude! Spring is coming--maybe we'll get a chance to paint together this year!
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