Just a quick post to say hello and thank those of you who contributed to our show at the Everhart. We have 19 paintings on exhibit there until the end of October. And then Joanne will be picking them up and transporting them to the Glenburn Twp. Building so you can pick them up there along with any that you have in that show. I will be away that week so call her and make your arrangments.
I haven't been out painting too much recently--seems that my free time and the good weather are out of sync this year. But I have a few places in mind that I want to paint so gotta get going. I want to paint in the city on Cedar Ave (down a bit from Coney Island), want to paint the Waverly General Store, would like to do another early morning painting of Scranton from the Providence Road exit, want to take another crack at some haybales that I messed up, and all those great fall colors are about to pop out. That's the short list! If you want to join me, give me a call.